OVC Internal

Investigating and preserving Quechua
MIT students studied the Indigenous language during a new Independent Activities Period course to gain exposure and understand the language’s cultural and practical value.
Formation and Launch of the MIT Task Force on the Undergraduate Academic Program
We are delighted to announce the formation and launch of the Task Force on the MIT Undergraduate Academic Program.
Sadhana Lolla named 2024 Gates Cambridge Scholar
The MIT senior will pursue graduate studies in technology policy at Cambridge University.
Nourishing the mind, hand, and stomach
A love of food and cooking unlocked senior Branden Spitzer’s interest in materials science and engineering.
Thirty-five outstanding MIT students selected as Burchard Scholars for 2024
Undergraduates selected for the competitive program enjoy a seminar series and conversations over dinners with distinguished faculty.
MIT course aids social connection, better relationships, and happiness
New PE.0539 course supports students who want to meet new people, strengthen friendships, build communities, and make MIT a more welcoming place.
Anushree Chaudhuri: Involving local communities in renewable energy planning
As societies move to cleaner technologies, the MIT senior seeks to make the transition more sustainable and just.
For all humankind
Political science and physics major Leela Fredlund wants to ensure fairness and justice prevail in humanity's leap into space.
MIT students win national materials design competition
At the ASM Materials Education Foundation’s 2023 Undergraduate Design Competition, seniors Louise Anderfaas and Darsh Grewal design a super-strong aluminum plate for applications such as planes and cars.
3 Questions: The Climate Project at MIT
Richard Lester describes an emerging new initiative that will back climate efforts at the Institute and find outside partnerships to drive actionable innovation.